Developing an online presence can be a tricky thing. I know I know the it seems like this huge endless sea of information and developing a website sometimes feels like you're putting a pole out in the water just praying you catch something. In most cases that is exactly what people do. That's why you want to develop a strong web presence because in all reality that's what you want to fish with… a "web" or "net". Like how I brought that back? 

Any good fisherman knows that it's better to fish with a net. So think of your website like the center of the spider web in the picture. the goal is to develop as many avenues to that center point as you can. Why? Because you'll catch more. The more layers you have to your web the more people will opportunity to see your website thereby generating more business. Now don't get me wrong. There's no substitute for face to face business & referrals. Even in a world filled with instantaneous information, expert bloggers offering opinions on every topic imaginable, and endless customer reviews the ability to look a customer in the eye to do business is still the most important thing of all. A strong online presence should increase your opportunity to do just that. Look a person in the eye. That's why, as a small business owner, you should want to put your face & name in as many places as you can across the web and increase the size of the net you have. Every opportunity you take to put your image is a window into who you are as a business owner giving potential customers a sense of familiarity when they see your business for the first time in the "real world". So the next time you see the internet as a giant ocean just think, "I'm going to need a bigger net." 

Coming up in the future I'll show you ways you can put your public image out there in a positive way & the websites you'll want to use to do just that.

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